Monday, April 27, 2009


I Trust our government to protect us and not scare the s_ _t out of us? This morning I was disappointed in their decision to fly a 747 jet aircraft flanked by two fighter jets over NYC for a "photo op" for the Defense Department. What dumb &!%# thought of that idea??? With NO alert to the people in NYC that this stupid idea was going to take place. My son lives in the city, and called me to see if I heard about any 747 flying over NYC (he was raised in the airline industry -natural for him to call me with a question on the subject). I searched and found nothing until around 10am! I found a blogger: that had the answer!
(thank you blogger!!!) Then the pics started coming in from my son and colleagues of his.

UNBELIEVABLY ......STUPID STUPID IDIOTS! Did anyone signing off on this "photo op" think about the people in these NYC towers? Heartattacks? Strokes? To say nothing of the emotional trauma. BAD FORM...THIS WAS. There isn't a person in that city that wasn't touched by what happened in 9/11 ---there is not a person in America that wasn't touched. So why this???

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