Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Jeffrey Gitomer's Office

It's a GREAT DAY AT THE GITOMER OFFICE!!! Very excited about our upcoming events - to have a small part in the "jump starting" of our economy is something to share!

Jeffrey seems to be bringing the positive side of the economy to the public!!! His audiences have been so excited with his fresh POSITIVE side of the new economy! The feedback we receive in our office validates this, they GET IT and MOST IMPORTANTLY WANT GITOMER! They run with their newly learned or freshly validated tools and use these tools right away! Then they call the office and shout out their success! What could be better, than to share in someone's success?! To teach .....to share ........ to learn......

Their excitement helps us ALL (sure puts a smile on my face)!!! It helps them, their family, their company, the economy ...and yes the world! It's a circle....of good...that we ALL benefit from!!! HARDWORK!!! YES IT'S HARDWORK THAT IS REWARDED!!! Not only externally, but JUST as important ...internally. Because we know we've done BEST!

Improvement, on an old saying:
"Give a man a fish; you have fed him for today. Teach a man to fish; and you will not have to listen to his incessant whining about how hungry he is." -Author unknown

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